Hemmagjord ketchup

Ger ca 5 dl

1 red onion, chopped coarsely
1/2 fennel, grovhackad
1 stjälk pale celery, grovhackad
Olive oil
1 Each thumb-ingefärsbit, grovhackad
2 cloves of garlic, sliced
1/2 röd chili, stoned, finely chopped
1 KNIPPA Basilica, chopped stalks, leaves entire
1 tablespoons korrianderfrön
2 st kryddnejlikor
1 teaspoon black pepper new elections
All flake
* 500 gr cherry tomatoes or plum tomatoes, split in half plus 500 g plommontomater on burk…..
* 1 kg gula, life, green or red tomatoes, chopped.
3 1/2 cups water,
2 cup red wine vinegar
70 g crude powdered sugar

Add all the vegetables except the tomatoes in a pan. Then, add in a lot of olive oil and then the ginger, garlic, chili, basil stems, coriander seeds, and finally the cloves. Season with black pepper and pretty much salt flakes.

Cook slowly over low heat for everything softened, as 15 mine. Then add all the tomatoes and 3 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to a boil and then cook slowly until 50% of the liquid has reduced away.

Pour in the basil leaves and running ever since in a blender / food processor / hand blender. Compress tendon everything twice through a screen alt scrim so that the ketchup becomes smooth and soft.

Pour everything into a clean saucepan and pour in your vinegar and sugar. Now simmer until it becomes ketchup texture of everything. Spice up your bit to your taste if smth taken.

Scoop up everything in sterilized bottles ( bottles 10 min i ugn på 95 gr C). The ketchup fare in the refrigerator for about 6 months.



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