Min prinsessa 11 year…och åren flyger iväg…



Så kom den dagen då min prinsessa fyllde 11 year. Visst är det härligt men jag vill inte att hon ska bli äldre på ngt konstigt sätt. Jag vill alltid att hon ska vara 10 år och alltid vara som hon är nu…just nu…men tiden går och det är ju inget man kan göra ngt åt…I think in all cases.

Denna sommar har varit helt underbar. Massor av tid med henne och en vecka helt ensamma tillsammans i Danmark fyllde på min energi till110%. Älskar verkligen att få spendera tid med henne utanför vardagen när det inte finns några måsten i våra liv, dagarna kommer och går som dom vill och man planerar dagen precis som den kommer. Låter nästan som en reklamfilm….

The week in Crete with W and E were wonderful. Now we batteries Zlatan Camp
before school begins again….and then she is the oldest in the school….still wish that she “only” should be 10 year….

Love you more than life Wilma

Last day with a 9-year-old :-(

Ten years ago you were in your mother's belly…a smoking, hot summer day in August. The mercury went up just over 30 C and we were at this time coming in to Karolinska hospital before redemption.

When you came into the world, one early morning, on the 12:e aug 2012, tears flowed down my cheeks with happiness. You were the finest I had ever laid eyes on, my pearl, my princess, my beloved daughter.

Not a day since the day you were born has passed that I can not wait to see you, meet you, talk to you and just be with you. With all my heart I love you, with all my heart I wish you luck in life and I will take advantage of “the loan” I have received….you are “mine” in a few more years…mine and your mothers to care about, to long for and to always love so tendely.

Now you will be 10 years old tomorrow and it feels like time has flown away….please…stopp time, just for a while, a little bit because I want you as you are now, nine years and are about to reach 10….

Love you more than life!